tirsdag 25. august 2009


Hello to the world again!
Had just some thoughts on my mind that may be in interest to you out there, maybe some of you think the same as I.
I was out walking my dog (lovely creature) and just stopped and said to my self..
"hey!..Is there actually a day in the whole year when a human doesn't have her/his birthday?"
And I kept thinking and thinking of just that, and the most logical explanation had to be "no".
just think about it for a second.. there are several millions of people in the world, what is the possibility that one of those humans doesn't have a birthday in 365 days?
is that possible?
but the logical answer doesn't have to be the right one, and it isn't anything on the web telling me the answer... do you have it ? :)

1 kommentar:

  1. tru ikkje de e nåken daga so ikkje nåken he burstag på altså! <3
